Digitazing the resources of FLYie
Since the world pandemic made us rethink our implementation processes, the consortia,as everyone else worked hard on finding ways to keep the quality of the project’s resources on the highest possible standard
Currently, we are working on finalizing IO4 FLYie game based on role model education methods combined with gamification. The game has been developed physically as a cardgame that consists of dozens of women entrepreneurs that are to serve as role models to young girls and women from all over Europe.
As we looked for ways to adjust our methodologies to the current situations we have found a way to give an added value to the project by making the card game playable online.
Our partners at Challedu introduced us to Tabletoopia, where they have uploaded all the game elements and set the game rules according to the server’s software. This allowed the youth workers and project managers in the consortia to implement the C2 activity completely online. For even more great news, we have discovered during C2 that the game has been very well designed and that it promotes and fulfills IO4’s learning outcomes in the best possible way. The first step in the development of FLYie game was a complete success!
The participation in the online C2 made us realize that we can upload all of ourtranslations of the game to the server as well. In this way, FLYie game will be availablefor download for those who wish to use it physically in Greek, English, French, andPolish, but also for those who will be playing it online in the 4 languages.
What an exciting way to increase the target group reach indeed!

As the February is ending we are preparing national pilots aimed at young girls and women to be implemented by 19th March in Greece, Cyprus, Poland, and Belgium. The pilots will be held online through the Tabletopia server, so stay tuned and make sure you are the first ones to play.
More info is available on our social media.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Its content and material reflects only the views of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2019-2-CY02-KA205-001601